Cutest Pixie
Call me Pixie. I'm mainly a writer and fanfic reader. You can normally find me as Cutest Pixie or cutestpixieyoueversaw. I'm on a life long personal mission to find a way to balance my love of writing with my addiction for reading. It's going to be fun.
Check out my writing for more info about my work.
Current Work
Most of my writing work can be found at three locations: Twitter, Archive of Our Own, or Fanfiction.net. Of these locations Twitter is the location where you can find my most up to date threads along with accompanied fan-art as well.
If you would like to browse through some of my 80+ threads/AUs then please take a moment to look through one of my Thread Theater moments. I'm always updating them as quickly as possible.
Master Thread Theater: All of the main threads (completed or WIP) are located here.
Phantom Thread Theater: A place for the more problematic/darker subject mattered fics. Do mind the tags and warnings.
Archive of Our Own is where you can find both my completed and ongoing works in progress. My fics there encompass more than one fandom as well. Meanwhile Fanfic.net is where my older work can be located and is not consistently updated.
Commission Status: OPEN!
Please read the below information for the terms of condition. [Click the pictures to zoom in if needed].
All current threads can be found via current works.
Current commission status can be found here.
Direct page for requests can be found here
If you have additional questions please reach out to me via Twitter.